General Policies
Class Cancellations
Inclement Weather:
Ohr Kodesh classes will be canceled if Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) are closed. Please listen to the radio, check the MCPS website at www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org or call the MCPS information line at 301-279-3673 to verify whether MCPS may have canceled or delayed openings. (updated Oct 2018)
Adas Israel classes will be canceled if either the Federal Government or DC Public Schools (DCPS) are closed. If Gan Hayeled has delayed opening at 10 am, the 10:30 shir a song class will happen (unless you hear otherwise). Please check the DCPS website at https://dcps.dc.gov/page/inclement-weather-guidance and Federal Government postings for more info and listen to the radio for updated closure/delay information.
Instructor Illness:
Please make sure that we have your emergency contact information in the event we have to contact you (via email, text, or home/cell telephone) in the early morning regarding cancellation due to instructor illness or emergency.
If a shir a song class is canceled for either inclement weather or instructor illness, you are encouraged to make up the missed class in another regularly scheduled shir a song class. Please email info@mselliemusic.com or call Ms. Ellie Music at (240) 604-7361 prior to attending the class to let us know you’re coming. In addition, we will schedule a make-up class week after each completed session and you are encouraged to attend in order to make up the missed class(es).
If you miss a class due to travel, work, illness, life, etc., you can make it up at the scheduled makeup class. Missed classes are not transferrable to another shir a song session.
No refunds for withdrawals will be given after the second scheduled class. A non-refundable administrative fee of 10% of the tuition payment will be deducted from the refund amount. There is no refund for cancelled or missed classes.
Late Registration
Missed registration?! Space permitting, you may be allowed to join a shir a song class already in session (up to the 5th class) at a pro-rated tuition but will be charged a late fee 10%. (effective Jan 2019)
It is important that parents be responsible for the safety of their child as well as to monitor their child to see that he/she does not harm others.
Guests and Siblings
Additional adult family members (visiting grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc) are always welcome at no charge. Space permitting, siblings are also welcome at no charge once per session as long as the caregiver assumes full responsibility for all children in his/her care. If a sibling(s)/child guest attends more than one class per session, a prorated tuition fee will be charged for each class and each sibling. If you are enrolling multiple children in a class, we offer a discount. Please see our website or contact Ellie Schuchman at info@mselliemusic.com for sibling discount information. TUITION INFO HERE
We know it’s sometimes very hard with little ones to get out the door in time, but please try to be on time so as to give your child (and you!) the fullest experience and so as not to disrupt the class. 

It can be hard for a child (or parent) to jump into a class already in progress, especially if you’ve missed the Good Morning/Boker Tov song and your child's name being sung!
Diaper Changing/ Snacks
Out of respect and as a courtesy to all, we request that you use the following designated areas to take care of your child’s toileting needs for sanitary reasons and for the protection of everyone’s health. At Adas Israel, please step into the hallway outside our classroom. At Ohr Kodesh, please use the restroom down the hall or the foyer area immediately adjacent to the Chapel. If your child needs a snack during the class, please provide it to him/her outside of class (and away from the eyes of others!) and then return to class when he/she is finished eating. In accordance with preschool (since our classes share spaces with preschools at both locations) and general synagogue policies, please do not bring meat products or anything containing any kind of nuts into the school area.
Illness Policy
Out of respect for all class participants, please follow a 24-hour “no fever or illness” rule when deciding if your child is well enough to attend class. Essentially, please wait 24 hours after the fever breaks, the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea, starting antibiotics/ medication, etc. The same rule applies to siblings who are not registered for the class but may be out of school that day and are accompanying you to class.
Refer a Friend!
Please spread the word about shir a song classes to your friends, family, playmates, and social networks. If you refer a new family to shir a song classes, you will receive 10% refund off your tuition for each new family you refer. Just make sure your friend(s) indicates your name on their registration form.